May 1, 2012

Making an Emoticons on Facebook

1 Log in to Facebook and move to the chat feature. choose one amongst your friends accessible on chat.

2 Write a sentence within the chat window that may go well next to an emoticon. Any sentence that expresses emotion -- be it anger, sadness, happiness or shock -- is in the course of an emoticon.

3 Choose an emoticon that goes well with the sentence. For example:

Happy :)
Very happy =)
Grinning :D
Cat smiling ^_^
Wink smile ;)
Goofy smile 8)
Tongue protruding :p
Smiling devil 3:)
Smiling angel 0:)
Angry >:(
Pouting X(
Shocked =0
Skeptical =/
Embarrassed =X
Devious smile >:)
Tear :'(
Frustrated X(
Love <3

4 Insert 2 areas when the amount following the acceptable sentence, and then insert the emoticon. Here is an example of an emoticon during a sentence:

I've been very sick for a few week. :( The doctor says I even have the flu.

5 Insert a nose, if desired, into any of the emoticons by inserting a touch between the eyes and also the mouth, as shown within the emoticons below:

Happy :-)
Very happy =-)
Grinning :-D
Wink smile ;-)
Goofy smile 8-)
Tongue protruding :-p
Smiling devil 3:-)
Smiling angel 0:-)
Angry >:-(
Pouting X-(
Shocked =-0
Skeptical =-/
Embarrassed =X
Devious smile >:-)
Tear :'-(
Frustrated X-(

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