Apr 18, 2012

Start You Own Business Now

1 Starting a business is a scary endeavor, but for those who dare to try the rewards are monumental. First start with a check list.

You will need:

Business Name
Business License
Company Type (Sole Proprietor, Partnership, Corporation, Other)
Product of Service protection
Business Advisors
Networks & Business Associations

2 Your business name, location, concept/idea and business license ought to be your first priority. Next you need to structure your business legally as a sole owner, partnership, corporation or other by using an attorney or an online service such as LegalZoom.com

3 One time you have your business structure in place you will need to address your product/service. In the event you have a product that needs to be pat toned, make positive you have the legal coverage that will protect your idea or invention. Now you need to think about promotion your product, idea or service. Who is your market? What is the best way to reach that market? What will it cost you to reach this market?

4 Promotion your business is of the most important parts of any successful business venture. Marketing ought to be an element of your every day budget and factored in to your every month expenses. In the event you take thing away from this editorial, "remember to seldom cease marketing your business". To cease promotion your business will quickly lead to the death of your company. "If the lights are on you ought to still be marketing." This has been said at the finish of a business and it is definitely important with a start up!

Part of a promotion package will include business cards, brochures, products (if applicable), company information packet, promotion CD, etc. What you need will be tailored to your business. This will be your story teller for your product/service. Think of it as your "sales team".

Reply to the Who, What, Where, Why, When and How questions to market your company effectively.

By answering these simple questions you can lay the ground work for a promotion strategy.

Who is my market? What is my product/service? Where will I market my product/service? Why will people need my service/product? When is the best time to promote my business? How will I market my product/service?

5 When you start your business you ought to always do your research. Talk to people in the same industry, talk to start ups that have been successful & get tips from specialists. People that have been there & achieved, will surprisingly be helpful mentors giving you sound business advice. Surround yourself with people that are motivated & achievers, learn from the best in the business & apply what they teach you. In the event you can save yourself from any potential pitfalls by getting a few lessons from the professionals first, then by all means, do so!

6 Last but not least join business associations, chambers of commerce, business alliances, networking groups in your local area & online (Ex: Linkedin & other business/social networks), Toastmasters, Chambers of Commerce, etc. Make positive you make connections & market your business.

Next you require to construct a list of potential clients/customers that could use your service or product. This list will be your target market.

In future articles I will go in to more detail about different areas of beginning your own business. This is your starter guide for what you require to do first. Prepare, plan & execute to accomplish your dream. Anything is feasible.

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